Girls back to school after lockdown. Campaign with Sofonie Dala. Don't miss it! Penultimate webisode 26

 Students fear COVID-19 pandemic, it may hurt child education

We fear the COVID-19 pandemic will have long-term effects on children and will impact their education. "A lot of the students we talked to, are really aware of the pandemic and of what you need to do to stay safe, and they are worried about other people not following the rules."

Our today's guest is Rosalia, she will share with us her deeply school observation. 

My name is Rosalia Panzo, I am 15 years old, I study in the 9th grade in a public school.

As a student the coronavirus affected me in several ways, we lost classes, we spent very long time without studying and maybe we ended up forgetting some subjects. But now that we are back to school our teachers have been recapturing the lessons and we have been working hard to adapt to this new environment.

Schools have already reopened thanks to God, we met our colleagues and teachers again, this is a great joy. But what astonished me was that no bio-security material was distributed to my school. This is something of concern to me, because this disease is fatal.

I have noticed that at my school some people are not concerned with preventive measures against Covid-19, this worries me. We also noticed that in my school there is a lack of security, they only supplied water but there is no soap or sprayer, they only have 1 thermometer to measure our temperature and students do not comply with the distance of 1 meter.

Although my school did not receive biosafety materials from the government, the school nevertheless tried to create some methods to prevent us, the school divided the class into 2 groups, we have been studying with an interval of one week in the middle, that is, (one group studies this week and the other group next week).

The school said that we should wash our hands constantly and disinfect them with alcohol gel. They also said that the protection is individual, but these rules are not being fulfilled.

Now that the schools have reopened I am very afraid, because there are many schools that do not have safe conditions and this is worrying, because this disease is really fatal and I see that people are not concerned about protecting themselves from the coronavirus.

I advise you who is watching this video, prevent yourself because this disease is real and I feel really worried, it is good that we went back to school but it is also a concern because this disease is deadly.

"This campaign helps us understand why children and youth, and especially parents and families, may experience anxiety and concern (as schools open)".

"We see how important it is to get kids back to school, but we wonder about the type of environment our children are going back to".

Rosalia was with us at the beginning of #AfricaEducatesHer Campaign. Do you remember her? Click here to see her first interview:


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