Survey of African Union CIEFFA on : Learning Losses and Recovery During COVID-19 Pandemic.

African Union CIEFFA is organizing a workshop with experts from the AU Ministries of Education and other stakeholders to discuss the learning losses as precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting further aims to discuss multi-sectoral approaches to prevent further loss and facilitate learning recovery for girls and women’s education.

Recognising the power, necessity, and opportunity to integrate youth voices in the dialogue and solution; African Union CIEFFA is collecting youth voices, insights, experiences and recommended solutions ahead of the experts meeting. Youth bring in diverse, and on -the ground realities on the pandemic impacts on learning outcomes, and possible solutions to recover learning losses.

This survey aims to;

1. Get insight into learning losses and its impacts especially on girls in your community.
2. Explore opportunities, challenges, ambitions, imagined solutions and best practices on recovering learning losses in your community

All the data collected will be guided by ethical considerations. The data collected will be handled with confidentiality. The data collected will be analysed and compiled into a discussion paper to be presented at the Expert Meeting.

Take it now!
