Youth Dialogue on Assessing Learning Losses to embrace Learning Recovery for African Girls taking place on June 8, 2022.


The African Union CIEFFA is organizing a high-level continental meeting for education experts from AU Ministries of Education and education stakeholders to help prevent further loss and recover learning for girls and women’s education.

African youth, especially young women have been severely impacted by school closures, including their access to education, increased number of different forms of gender-based violence, unintended pregnancies, and affected livelihoods. Youth therefore bring a diverse, and on -the ground realities on the pandemic impacts on learning outcomes, and possible solutions to recover learning losses.

Recognizing the power, necessity, and opportunity to integrate youth voices in the dialogue and solution; the African Union CIEFFA is hosting a virtual Youth Dialogue ahead of the experts meeting to curate insights and recommendations from young people on learning losses and learning recovery for African girls. 

The youth dialogue will take place on Zoom on the 8th of June 2022 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (GMT).

How can you support us?

1. Register in advance for this webinar:

2. Join the conversation using the official hashtag: #YouthBeHeard on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

3. Like and follow the official handles (see the list below).

4. Post and/or tweet by using/adapting the posts given in this briefing. Of course, adapt the post to reflect your own priorities and contexts as required. Encourage your followers to do the same.

5. Share Media Advisory on your website/events pages and social media pages, and tag journalists you know.

Official Social Media Handles  

Twitter: @AU_CIEFFA | Facebook: @AUCIEFFA | Instagram: @au_cieffa

LinkedIn: African Union International Center for Girls’ & Women’s Education in Africa

Official hashtag | Secondary hashtags

#YouthBeHeard     | #AfricaEducatesHer 
